CredSpark Client Example

How do you build interest in—and gauge readiness for—a new brand professional credential?

Let’s explore how the American Management Association did it.

AMA + CredSpark

AMA used CredSpark to create an assessment with three goals: 1.) Build awareness of their new professional credential, the AMA Certified Professional in Management™; and 2.) Introduce members to the types of content on the certifying exam; and 3.) Benchmark whether members currently had enough base knowledge to succeed on the exam and take the next step in their career. Take a look…

Ready to Be an AMA Certified Professional in Management?

The Impact

  • Created a clever, interactive way to introduce and promote a new professional credential
  • Captured lead information from those interested in the credential
  • Created a benchmark of users’ current knowledge
  • Deepened their understanding of their audience’s base knowledge and exam readiness


Lead Capture Rate

Provided complete lead information


Opt-In Rate

Selected to receive future email communications


Data Points

Zero-party data points captured across all interactionsdata points collected…and counting


The American Management Association is a nonprofit, professional organization for the promotion of management, providing education, networking, and career development services.

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