CredSpark Client Example

Think of all the opportunities you could surface for your sponsors with a data-generating quiz as a premium sponsorship offering.

Let’s explore how Restaurant Business did it.

Restaurant Business + CredSpark

Restaurant Business created a high-value lead generation sponsorship program for Cholula Hot Sauce by leveraging CredSpark’s quiz engine to create an immersive experience around flavor pairings. The audience engaged with a learning/discovery experience and Cholula got valuable insights and data while showcasing their brand. Let’s take a look:

Can You Ace This Flavor Pairing Quiz?

The Impact

  • Developed a data-generating, lead qualifying experience as a premium sponsorship offering
  • Generated data, insights, and leads for the sponsor
  • Engaged and educated the audience on a topic that interested them while showcasing the sponsor’s product


Lead Capture Rate

Nearly half of participants provided their contact information


Engagement Rate

87% of people who viewed the quiz went on to complete it.


Restaurant Business is the leading media brand in the commercial food-service industry, with a focus on entrepreneurship, innovation and growth.

How can you leverage CredSpark in your organization?

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