CredSpark Client Example

Sometimes “fun” is fun because it’s a challenge…and professional audiences enjoy a challenge.

Let’s look at how VetMedux brought a sense of play to their new site.

VetMedux + CredSpark

VetMedux relaunched their site with a host of changes, including a dedicated space for challenges for their audience of veterinarians.

Clinical Image Challenge

The Impact

  • Engaged the audience with an interactive experience, increasing time on site
  • Tapped into the competitive spirit and drove return visits
  • Gained valuable insights into audience knowledge, better informing future editorial decisions



Three different types of games, from one-question to longer



Percentage of unique views that click to play



Total games played in the first 4 months


Originally Brief Media, VetMedux has evolved alongside veterinarians to diagnose and treat patients while managing modern problems. Keeping veterinary professionals educated on innovative tools and treatments, VetMedux guides the most critical decisions in veterinary practices.

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