CredSpark Client Example

What opportunities would you surface if you used scoring and survey questions to hyper qualify leads?

Let’s explore how The Business Journals did it.

The Business Journals + CredSpark

The Business Journals used an innovative mix of scored and survey questions to challenge their audience of small business decision makers’ knowledge of finance. They used the CredSpark experience as a lead generation/qualification tool and to gain insights to better inform their editorial strategy. Let’s take a look:

Finance Fast Facts

The Impact

  • Developed a data-generating, lead generation opportunity
  • Generated data and insights that helped inform editorial decisions
  • Engaged and provided value for a highly sought after audience of small business owners


Opt-In Rate

81% opted in to receive email communications


The Business Journals is the largest publisher of metropolitan newsweeklies in the United States. They are the premier media platform for targeting local business decision makers.

How can you leverage CredSpark in your organization?

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