CredSpark Client Example

How do you provide value and insights to clients that they can’t get anywhere else? By creating an interactive tool based on your proprietary data.

Let’s explore how Omeda did it.

Omeda + CredSpark

Omeda, a CredSpark integration partner, is a leading enterprise marketing, subscription management, and customer data platform. Every year, Omeda helps clients send out more than 6 billion emails. They leveraged all that campaign data to create a benchmarking calculator on CredSpark to help Omeda clients gain insights into the performance of their own campaigns. Let’s take a look:

Email Benchmarking Calculator

The Impact

  • Showcased the power of Omeda’s proprietary data and the value it provides to clients.
  • Helped clients gain tangible insights into how their own email marketing campaigns were performing compared to their industry peers.
  • Created a data-driven, proprietary tool that provided actionable insights and strategies for clients.


Omeda Integration and Banter

Omeda is a leading enterprise marketing, subscription management, and customer data platform. CredSpark is deeply integrated with the Omeda platform to provide a seamless pass through of data generated through CredSpark experiences to Omeda’s customer data platform, amplifying the power of your first-party data.

How can you leverage CredSpark in your organization?

Let’s find out. Start with a demo that’s customized to your specific business needs and goals.
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