CredSpark Client Example

How do you generate valuable data for sponsors in a fun and engaging way?

Let’s explore how Restaurant Business did it.

Restaurant Business + CredSpark

Restaurant Business developed a quiz as a sponsorship vehicle, generating valuable data for their advertiser and creating a premium advertising product in the process. Their audience got to engage with a fun and interactive knowledge assessment generating interest in flavor pairings while introducing their sponsor in a relevant and seamless way. Let’s take a look:

Test Your Salad Dressing Chops

The Impact

  • Connected the audience with the sponsor in a fun, engaging way.
  • Generated valuable and actionable insights and data for the sponsor.
  • Captured their audience’s attention while carrying out knowledge assessments.
  • Used gaming features to capture audience attention and maintain their
    engagement over time.


Restaurant Business is the leading media brand in the commercial food-service industry, with a focus on entrepreneurship, innovation and growth.

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