Audience Insights :

 The CredSpark Blog

April 30, 2024 |

Use Case: Sponsored Lead Generation

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Audience Insights :

 The CredSpark Blog

CredSpark + Omeda Series:

Use Case: Sponsored Lead Generation

April 30, 2024 |

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At the upcoming OX7 (May 15-17, 2024 in Chicago), CredSpark and Omeda will be making an exciting announcement on the future of their partnership and integration of their platforms.

Attending OX7? Let us know if you’d like to meet in person to discuss the latest features and improvements with the CredSpark-Omeda integration.

At the upcoming OX7 (May 15-17, 2024 in Chicago), CredSpark and Omeda will be making an exciting announcement on the future of their partnership and integration of their platforms.

Attending OX7? Let us know if you’d like to meet in person to discuss the latest features and improvements with the CredSpark-Omeda integration.

Your audience is targeted enough to interest sponsors. But is your audience targeted based on the criteria that sponsors want for a specific campaign?

It could be.

The media industry has been in the lead gen business for quite some time. The issue has been that it hasn’t been particularly sophisticated. The key differentiator has been the alignment—in very broad strokes— of a publisher’s audience with the sponsor’s basic profile of an ideal prospect. The result has often been a torrent of basic lead info and the scant interest that a click on an ad unit or signing up for a white paper may indicate.

Ironically, that torrent of new leads used to excite sales teams: New Leads to Work! However, everyone—publishers, sponsors, and the poor prospects that were on the receiving end of endless sales inquiries—knew that it was a highly inefficient model.

There’s a better way.

Leverage interactive content and the CredSpark-Omeda integration to create immersive experiences that hyper-qualify leads for sponsors.

One of the most valuable features enabled by the deep integration between CredSpark and Omeda is the ability to collect targeted new data through engaging question-based experiences and seamlessly integrate that information into your existing Omeda audience profiles.

Clever mutual Omeda and CredSpark customers have been innovating around new sponsorship and ad unit opportunities, working with sponsors to identify the key qualification criteria for a particular campaign up front, and then creating interactive experiences specifically designed to capture that information.

The outcome has been super-engaging interactions that delight and deliver value for audiences and are aligned with the specific needs of the sponsors. The ROI—for sponsors and publishers—has been dramatic. After all, what’s more valuable to an advertiser: 5,000 unqualified new leads or 500 sales-ready leads with detailed qualification data?

And what would they pay for that? Publishers, we’d like to introduce you to pricing power.

Key Strategies for Successfully Leveraging the CredSpark-Omeda Integration for Creating High-Quality Interactions That Deliver High-Quality Leads.

It starts with a collaboration with your sponsors. Ask them what information their sales teams believe to be most predictive in closing sales. What are their key lead qualification factors?

Build an interaction designed to capture that information. BUT, build one that also provides value for the audience. Don’t make it mercenary; make it magical. Sprinkle in the qualification questions within a larger, immersive experience that introduces the audience to a sponsor product or service; captures that info in a game-like experience; surfaces some personalized recommendations, etc. There’s a lot you can do that meets the needs of your sponsors while still engaging your audience and providing them something of value in return for their time and attention.

Leverage your Omeda profile data to provide a richer picture of leads for your sponsor. It’s not just about new data. Make sure you use it to enhance your existing data and provide richer, more robust pictures of leads for your sponsors.

Charge for what it’s worth. You’re now moving from providing simple Activity Data (clicks, views, etc.) to providing Actionable Data (intent, interest, budget, timeline, and more). That info is incredibly valuable for sponsors. Make your organization indispensable and charge appropriately for that service.

How can you increase your ad revenue with sponsored interactions?

The CredSpark-Omeda integration can help you achieve that objective. PLUS: That integration is about to get a lot better. We’ll be at OX7 to tell you how. Contact us for more info or to schedule time to meet up at OX7.

Learn more about the CredSpark-Omeda Integration.
Learn more about Omeda.


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