CredSpark Client Example

How do you create conversation and engagement around tough topics in your industry?

Let’s explore how MedPage Today does it.

MedPage Today + CredSpark

MedPage Today leveraged CredSpark to create a new product offering called The Ethics Consult. Each week, healthcare professionals are invited to interact with—and weigh in on— a case study where an ethical dilemma is posed. The next week, a medical ethicist responds and presents the survey responses for context. It’s a powerful illustration of keeping audiences coming back for more. Let’s take a look:

The Ethics Consult

The Impact

  • Created an interactive case-study style audience experience
  • Encouraged input on and conversation around important and sometimes controversial medical decisions
  • Brought people back for more insights and interaction
  • Showcased thought leadership and innovation



Articles published on medical ethics cases


Audiences Responses

The number of engagements with the CredSpark interaction

Client Spotlight

MedPage Today is a trusted source for clinical news across medical specialties, focusing on the news and information that directly impact the careers and practices of healthcare professionals.

How can you leverage interactive content in your organization? Start with a demo.