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Happy kids playing

July 10, 2017 |

My extended family includes a few psychologists, from whom I've picked up a few nuggets on the human condition. One of them goes like this: "Depression is anger turned inward." OK, not the most uplifting way to start a blog post, but stay with me a second. What's interesting is ...


Woman holding a graduation cap

May 26, 2017 |

In school, you always knew where you stood. But in the workforce, it's a lot less clear. As a student, your knowledge was checked on tests and quizzes multiple times per month, perhaps even a few times per week. You probably didn't love being tested; but along with grades, all ...


Empty classroom

April 5, 2015 |

Back in school, we spent our days listening to teachers. Now--consciously or not--we spend our days listening to brands. Is your brand just like that boring, ineffective teacher you used to have (and couldn't stand)? Here are 5 warning signs. Your Brand Lectures Endlessly. When Hollywood shows a terrible teacher, ...
