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Tag: CredSpark

Happy kids playing

July 10, 2017 |

My extended family includes a few psychologists, from whom I've picked up a few nuggets on the human condition. One of them goes like this: "Depression is anger turned inward." OK, not the most uplifting way to start a blog post, but stay with me a second. What's interesting is ...


Woman holding a graduation cap

May 26, 2017 |

In school, you always knew where you stood. But in the workforce, it's a lot less clear. As a student, your knowledge was checked on tests and quizzes multiple times per month, perhaps even a few times per week. You probably didn't love being tested; but along with grades, all ...


Empty classroom

April 5, 2015 |

Back in school, we spent our days listening to teachers. Now--consciously or not--we spend our days listening to brands. Is your brand just like that boring, ineffective teacher you used to have (and couldn't stand)? Here are 5 warning signs. Your Brand Lectures Endlessly. When Hollywood shows a terrible teacher, ...


Couple walking with baby shows

October 17, 2014 |

Who's more valuable to your organization: Someone who can 'wear multiple hats' or someone who's very talented at one thing? How would you advise a student looking at college options: Pursue a degree that exposed her to a range of disciplines and taught her to think critically in different contexts, ...


Pencil on a scantron test

July 22, 2014 |

Your palms moisten with sweat. You cast furtive glances at others around you, to confirm you're not the only nervous one. The clock tells you it's almost 'go' time. Your heartbeat rises in your chest as you try to squelch a voice inside your head saying, "This could be baaaad..." ...
