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Category: Learning & Training

Woman holding a graduation cap

May 26, 2017 |

In school, you always knew where you stood. But in the workforce, it's a lot less clear. As a student, your knowledge was checked on tests and quizzes multiple times per month, perhaps even a few times per week. You probably didn't love being tested; but along with grades, all ...
Words on a paper

March 19, 2015 |

College degrees that impress employers are harder than ever to obtain and afford. Could innovations in testing level the playing field? Flashback to America in the late 1950's: A grandchild of immigrants, raised by working class parents, is bright and motivated. He studies hard and earns good grades. Despite his ...
Couple walking with baby shows

October 17, 2014 |

Who's more valuable to your organization: Someone who can 'wear multiple hats' or someone who's very talented at one thing? How would you advise a student looking at college options: Pursue a degree that exposed her to a range of disciplines and taught her to think critically in different contexts, ...

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